Sunday, May 5, 2013

EXP 2: Electroliquid Aggregation

My two initial concepts for each architect:

City as a growing organism viewed dynamically rather than statically.(Winka Dubbeldam) 

- Nomadism is the dominant social force where time exchange and metamorphisis replace stasis. ( Archigram)

Electroliquid Aggregation:
Nomadism is the dominant social force where organism viewed dynamically rather than statically and metamorphisis replace stasis.

EXP 2: FINAL MODEL in Cryengine

The dominant societal influence is now nomadism, whereby the exchange of time and transformational evolution supersedes stasis; resulting in how cities are now viewed as living-breathing organisms rather than just mere objects.

EXP 2: Link to Files

CryENGINE3 Levels and final version of the monuments

EXP 2: Interconnections

3 parallel projections exploring the interconnection between pairs of your drawings from week one.

First Pair.
Opposite View 
"To see radical changes of the world reflected in contemporary architecture." with "The crystalisation of urban complexity within the architectural object."

Second Pair.
 Opposite View

"City as a growing organism viewed dynamically rather than statically." with "Nomadism is the dominant social force where time exchange and metamorphisis replace stasis."

Third Pair
Opposite View
"Technology is an inspiration of new reality." with "The building's core essence - use of hybrid materials and smart building systems (for their elegance and innovative structural capacity) to collapse function and increase ecciciency."

Saturday, May 4, 2013

EXP 2: 36 Texture

 The 3 chosen textures

EXP 2: Cryengine environment

City as a growing organism viewed dynamically rather than statically
Winka Dubbeldam